Key Safety Tips for Butt Plug Use and Must-Know Features When Choosing a Bullet Vibrator

woman sex toys

First-Time Experience With Butt Plugs and Bullet Vibrators

If you know how to click buttons and change the vibration modes, you know how to use a bullet vibrator. 

Get a good grip on the vibrator and use it on any sensitive zone you want to tease. The tip of the vibrator delivers the most intense vibrations. The middle part has more even vibrations.

What people do is hold the middle part to the sensitive area first. When they want to climax, they switch to the tip. 

Foreplay With a Vibrator: If you’re planning on using a butt plug for the first time, the bullet vibrator is good foreplay material.

Press the vibrator against your buttocks to stimulate your anus. This will get your body turned on and ready for inner stimulation. 

Doll up the vibrator with lube for more stimulation. This will lessen friction and prevent the chance of marks on your body. Remember, the lube should be compatible with the material.

Dr. Jessica O'Reilly says relaxation is the key to anal play in her book The New Sex Bible: The New Guide to Sexual Love. You have to get your body to relax and an external stimulation like the bullet vibrator is one way to do it. 

Inserting the Butt Plug: Start with a finger first. Slather your finger with lube and circle your anus with the finger. Slide it in and out of the anus. Once you feel relaxed enough, add another finger.

Keep on adding fingers until you feel you’re ready. Then, apply a generous amount of lube to the butt plug and slide it in. Take steady breaths throughout and listen to your body for any signs of discomfort.

Stop immediately and start again when you feel relaxed enough. You can also press down with your butt to make the glide easier. 

Removing the Butt Plug: Dr. O'Reilly suggests taking deep, steady breaths and gently pulling it out. Your partner can also slide it out for you by holding the base. 

Removing it is easier after an orgasm because it relaxes your pelvic muscles. If you’re having trouble pulling it out, try applying some more lube around the area to make the slide smoother. 

6 Things to Look for in a Bullet Vibrator

Bullet vibrators have a tube shape. 

It’s got three main parts- the tip, the body, and the base. The tip is usually round or tapered. The base is where all the buttons and settings are hidden.  

Bullet vibes are never bigger than the size of your palm. Anything bigger than 7 cm and it’s a small vibrator instead. 

1. Body-Safe Material 

Sex toys should be body-safe. There’s no arguing it. For bullet vibrators, silicone, ABS plastic, and metal are all body-safe options. 

For insertable bullet vibrators, you should skip out on ABS plastic. Everything else, which is nonporous, is safe. 

Overall, stay away from materials you may have an allergic reaction to.  Some materials also have the chance of the dye bleeding out, like a latex sex toy. 

For non-porous vibes, either try to only use them externally or wrap a condom around the toy before using it. 

2. The Sound

People love bullet vibrators because they are discreet. You shouldn’t have to be conscious of the noise and worry you will wake up your roommate. So, the sound is a huge factor. 

The motor should be quieter than a whisper. Plus, if it’s too loud, it can get you and your partner out of the mood. 

XOXTOYS Bullet Vibe is super small, quiet, and ridiculously cheap. 

3. Waterproof 

If you want to use your bullet vibe in the shower or the tub, it has to be waterproof. Plus, waterproof toys are easier to clean, since you don’t have to be too careful while washing them. 

4. Speed and Pattern

What’s even the point of getting a vibrator if it doesn’t have different speed settings? Like the We-Vibe Tango X Bullet Vibe has 7 vibration modes and 8 intensity levels. 

Some people like a steady hum, while some prefer some intense sensations off the bat. 

The speed settings are important when you have a partner, specifically. There’s a thrill in getting them close to the edge with an intense thrum before lowering it so they last longer. 

5. Power Options

Rechargeable vibes last longer. They usually have good-quality motors and a quieter hum. But if the batter life isn’t great, you might find the bullet going out of power in the middle of sexy times. 

You can also go for vibes with disposable batteries. You can just pop in new AAAs if the previous one dies. But the motor quality isn’t great on those. 

Screaming O Charged Positive Vibe is a good option for a rechargeable vibe. 

6. Remote Control

Usually, bullet vibes have buttons at the base. But if you want to use it with a partner, go for a remote-controlled vibrator or one with in-app controls.

Let them decide when to turn it on, what the vibration speed should be, etc. This is a game and it’s what makes vibes good. 

Some bullet vibes can even get hot or cold, which is something to look into for couple play. 

3 Safety Practices to Follow While Using Butt Plugs and Bullet Vibrators

1. Get Generous With the Lube

Your butthole is tight. It’s not naturally made to take in objects. Dr. Evan Goldstein, a practitioner specializing in sexual health and wellness for gay men, advised in an interview to Insider to use more lube than you think

No matter how much lube you use, some level of tear is normal from the friction if it’s your first time. But you shouldn’t feel too much pain or bleed. If you’re, it’s a sign to go to a doctor. 

Select your lube based on the material of your butt plug or bullet vibrator. If you’re using a silicone toy, go for a water-based lube. Combining it with silicone lube will cause a chemical reaction. 

If you plan on wearing the butt plug for a long period of time, go for oil-based lube. Water dries up, so removing the lube later becomes tougher. 

Glass or metal toys work well with silicone, oil, and water-based lube. Glass and metal are already hard substances, so they are best paired with silicone or oil-based lube. 

2. Clean Before and After Use

If the toy goes inside you, you should clean it before and after use. 

You don’t want any bacteria or dirt sticking to it to go inside you. Nor do you want the traces of dried body fluid on the toy to cause an infection. 

For cleaning before use, wiping it with warm water and soap is enough. 

Sophia Chase, a dominatrix, washing with only soap and water is fine after use if it’s just you or your partner. But if you use it for relative strangers, you should sterilize it after use. 

Place the toys inside a container, add enough water to it, and add the sterilizing solution. Leave the toys inside the solution for 15 minutes. Then, rinse off the toys. 

Now, if you have an electrical toy, you should spray a dry sterilizing solution on it. Don’t drop it in a bucket of water. Even if it’s supposedly waterproof, no electrical item is ever 100% waterproof. 

3. Do Not Use Numbing Cream

Some people use anal numbing cream because they think they can skip the pain and only experience the pleasure. But this is a big mistake. 

Numbing cream dulls any sensation of pain. If there’s a large tear or if you’re bleeding while inserting the butt plug, you won’t be able to feel it. You’ll risk damaging your body even more with numbing cream. 

Final Thoughts

Bullet vibrators and butt plugs can make a wonderful experience when you use them together or separately. But make sure to maintain some safety precautions. 

Both toys are made to give you a pain-free experience. Even so, accidents happen, such as when someone tries to use a butt plug with a broken base. 

If you are into vibrating butt plugs, you should try the Calexotics Power Gem. For bullet vibes, the rechargeable Nu Sensuelle vibe is a big hit among customers. 

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