Sex Ed

dildos and anal plugs

In the adventurous world of intimate self-discovery and pleasure, few aids have garnered as much attention as adult toys and personal lubricants. From the bedroom of a curious novice to...

In the adventurous world of intimate self-discovery and pleasure, few aids have garnered as much attention as adult toys and personal lubricants. From the bedroom of a curious novice to...

lube on banana

Navigating the slick and varied world of personal lubricants can be as complex as it is slippery. With the market boasting a veritable smorgasbord of options, it's no surprise that...

Navigating the slick and varied world of personal lubricants can be as complex as it is slippery. With the market boasting a veritable smorgasbord of options, it's no surprise that...

sex toys

Whether you're exploring for the first time or you consider yourself an experienced navigator, this guide is your invitation to elevate your intimate experiences, balancing the thrill of the chase...

Whether you're exploring for the first time or you consider yourself an experienced navigator, this guide is your invitation to elevate your intimate experiences, balancing the thrill of the chase...

A table with sex toys

There's something quite magical happening in the bedrooms and intimate moments across the vast, beautiful expanse of Canada. From the electric energy of city life in places like Toronto and...

There's something quite magical happening in the bedrooms and intimate moments across the vast, beautiful expanse of Canada. From the electric energy of city life in places like Toronto and...

A woman holding a phone in one hand and a sex toy in another hand

Our guide, 'Tips for Safe and Secure Online Shopping of Sex Toys,' is an effort to navigate you through this intricate process. We'll provide you with advice and precautions to...

Our guide, 'Tips for Safe and Secure Online Shopping of Sex Toys,' is an effort to navigate you through this intricate process. We'll provide you with advice and precautions to...

A street with sex toy shop

Local stores charge you double of online sex toy shops. This is an open secret.  And it’s understandable. They have a rent and salary to pay. While online shops have...

Local stores charge you double of online sex toy shops. This is an open secret.  And it’s understandable. They have a rent and salary to pay. While online shops have...